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  • Welcome to Eastern Tuwaiq Company website

  • Welcome to Eastern Tuwaiq Company website

About Us

Eastern Tuwaiq Company is a Saudi Limited Liability Company established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We are located in Al-Jubail city.

Eastern Tuwaiq Company specialized in providing innovative and sustainable solutions to meet and exceed customer expectations. We provides a safety, Quality, and Efficiency maintenance services to all types of customers. We have an ambitious plan targeting to provide a portfolio of specialized services helps the industrial companies for successful and sustainable growth.

Eastern Tuwaiq Company was established to be one of the most prominent companies that provide specialized services to the industrial companies.


 Realizing the full potential of the specialized maintenance services sector through continual improvement approach in all provided services.


 To support the Saudi industry field to sustainable growth.


Plant Maintenance Services

Eastern Tuwaiq Company offers you with a wide range of maintenance solutions for your technical difficulties. With our expertise you can ensure the efficiency, reliability, and availability of your devices, machines, and industrial processes. Our teams are driven by the need to deliver quality and efficient solutions to exceed customer’s expectations. They are capable to deliver a customize solutions for your requirements, while keeping full attention to Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality Standards.

On-Site Maintenance of Rotating Equipment: Preventive, Predictive, and Corrective repairs of all types of rotating machines.

Rotating Equipment Repair: Overhaul and Repair all types of rotating machines such as pumps, fans, compressors, gearboxes, blowers, and centrifuges.

Stationary Equipment: Removal, Servicing, Re-Installation, and Commissioning Services

Valve Repair: Repair of Control, Manual, and Safety Valves. Complete services from removal, test, repair, to reintegration and commissioning.

Electric Motors Repairs: Maintenance and Overhauling of low and high voltage motors.

On-Site Instrumentation & Calibration: Adjustment and calibration of electronic and pneumatic equipment, PLC, and DCS systems.

Calibration Laboratory: Calibration and Certification of measuring instruments.

On-Site Machining: All adaptations and repairs of machines from standard work to customized solutions.

Welding and construction: High quality customized welding and construction works, TIG welding, electrode welding, and semi-automatic welding.

Maintenance Support Services

Eastern Tuwaiq Company offers you with a wide range of maintenance services for your maintenance activities. With our expertise and partners, you can ensure the availability of reliable support on quality and timely manner. Our teams are driven by the need to deliver quality and efficient solutions to exceed customer’s expectations. They are capable to deliver the required services for your requirements, while keeping full attention to Safety, Health, Environment, and Quality Standards.

Asset Management

Analyze and Improve Asset Maintenance Work Process Services.

Field Services Support

Root Cause Analysis, Detailed Inspection, and Condition Monitoring Techniques.

Equipment Rental Services

Transportation Services.

Training and Consultation Services.

Manpower Support Services


    الاسم * :
    رقم الجوال * :
    البريد الالكتروني *:
    الجنسية * :

    تحديد الجنسية لغير السعوديين:
    مدينة الاقامة الحالية * :
    الفئة العمرية * :

    الجنس * :

    الحالة الاجتماعية * :

    عدد الابناء للمتزوجين:

    آخر درجة علمية * :

    اسم الجامعة/الكلية * :
    التخصص * :
    الشهادات العلمية، الدورات التدريبية:

    هل انت على رأس العمل حاليا؟ *

    آخر وظيفة * :
    مدة العمل في آخر وظيفة * :
    الراتب الشهري لآخر وظيفة * :
    اجمالي سنوات الخبرة * :
    الوظائف السابقة:

    الوظيفةالمطلوبة * :
    نوع العمل المطلوب * :

    تاريخ الجاهزية لبدء العمل * :
    الراتب المتوقع * :

    مختصر المهارات الشخصية:
    أهم الانجازات العملية:
    ماذا يمكنك أن تضيف للعمل؟ لماذا ينبغي علينا توظيفك؟ * :

    التقدم على الوظائف الاخرى:

    كيف عرفت عن الخدمة؟ *

    السيرة الذاتية * :
    مرفقات اضافية:

    مكافحة البريد العشوائي * :

    Contact us


    Almasjid Road – Al-Faiha Area







    Contact Form


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      الانضمام للقائمة البريدية للشركة


         محتار كيف ترتب منزلك الحالي او المستقبلي؟

        يساهم التصميم الداخلي في توفير الوقت والجهد والمال اثناء القيام ببناء منزل جديد او تعديل منزل قائم او تغيير الاثاث والديكورات الداخلية والخارجية، وذلك باختيار وتنسيق المكونات المطلوبة للعمل حسب الذوق والميزانية قبل البدء في اعمال التنفيذ وذلك بمساعدة مهندسين مختصين في القيام بذلك، كما يستمر دعم المهندس للعميل في تعديل الخيارات حتى يتم استكمال تنفيذ العمل.

        تقدم بطلبك الان لتحديد موعد الاجتماع المبدئي مجانا ودون اي التزامات لاحقة،

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